Brown JR Gratitude 9690J

Reg: AAA 20312729 DOB: 09/03/21 Tattoo: 9690J

Gratitude’s outstanding Fertility, Calving Ease, and Payweight all translate to more product delivered to market. But the real “Profit Multiplier”occurs when those extra pounds are weighed against his incomparable Feed Efficiency (F:G).

In addition to Calving Ease, Gratitude also improves other necessities such as: Scrotal Circumference, Hair shedding, Docility and Claw shape.


Tehama Upward Y238

Tehama Tahoe B767

Tehama Mary Blackbird Y684

Brown JR Gratitude 9690J

Baldridge Challenger

JR MS Rita 951G

JR MS Rita 770E


  • $25/unit

  • 10% Discount - 50+ units

  • 20% Discount - 100+ units

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