
Jones Ranch is located in northeast Texas near the community of Telephone, where our families have been part of the ranching community for four generations.  Our roots are 35 years deep in the commercial beef industry. What started as a cow/calf operation grew into serving our fellow ranchers – both through bovine reproductive services and during the last two decades through the supply of balanced trait, profit-driven Angus Seedstock.  

We’ve walked many miles in our customers’ shoes, and understand that single trait selection for post-weaning traits can be counterproductive to the overall profitability of the cow herd - because it ignores the increased costs associated with producing those extra hi-value pounds. Sustained profitability across an operation must balance feed efficiency, improved stocking rates and cow herd reproductive success with carcass premiums and heavier pay-weights. Over time, this selection strategy evolved into direct selection for profit when we incorporated $Profit economic selection indices into the genetic predictions we provide to our customers to simplify their selection process.  

For almost 18 years, we have marketed the majority of our bull crop as age advantage (18-20-month-olds) through the R.A. Brown Ranch bi-annual bull sales in October and March.  Large contemporary groups are maintained through this process to maintain the reliability of phenotypic variation and resultant EPDs. EPD accuracy is further enhanced through the collection of Feed intake phenotypes, participation in young sire carcass testing programs and collection of genomic data on all animals.  Bulls developed through this program are individually scored for docility, foot angle, claw shape, structural soundness, and overall phenotype. Bulls that are a bit younger, but built from the same genetics and adherence to phenotypic soundness and data accuracy are made available private treaty from our ranch for both spring and fall calving herds.   Our entire heifer calf crop is subjected to the same phenotypic tests, and genomic data prior to being deemed a replacement – whether we’re putting them back in our herd, or selling them to our fellow Angus breeders.

Brad’s reproductive training serves our own herd just as well as it does our neighbors and customers - affording us the opportunity to utilize the breed’s highest $Profit and most feed-efficient sires.  Additionally, the benefits of our most prolific cow families are multiplied through embryo transfer. This allows us to share our most efficient and profitable offspring without taking our foot off the pedal of our own genetic improvement.  

The coffee pot is always on, and we love to show our cattle to visitors and visit about Angus genetics – so you are welcome any time you are in the area. 

Brad and Charlotte Jones

Jones Ranch

Predictable. Profitable. Performance.

Brad & Charlotte Jones

Brad & Charlotte Jones

Our family

Our family

Jackson on his tractor

Jackson on his tractor